Find numbers divisible by a certain number

In this program, we will find those numbers divisible by a certain number and a multiple of another number.

Steps to solve the program
  1. Use for loop with range function to iterate over all the numbers from 1500 to 2700.
  2. Using an if statement check if the number is divisible by 7 and a multiple of 5.
  3. Print such numbers
					for i in range(1500,2701):
        if i%7 == 0 and i%5 == 0:
            print(i, end=" ")

Output :

					1505 1540 1575 1610 1645 1680 1715 1750 1785 1820 1855 1890 1925 1960 
1995 2030 2065 2100 2135 2170 2205 2240 2275 2310 2345 2380 2415 2450 
2485 2520 2555 2590 2625 2660 2695 

construct the following pattern

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