87. Problem to calculate bill per fruit purchased from a list.

In this Python list program, we will take a user input as a list and calculate the bill per fruit purchased from a given fruit list with the help of the below-given steps.

Bill per fruit purchased:

Steps to solve the program
  1. Take a list of fruits and their prices as input.
  2. Calculate the bill per fruit purchased using for loop.
  3. Print the output.
					#Input lists
list1 = [["apple", 30], ["mango", 50], ["banana", 20], ["lichi", 50]]
list2 = [["apple", 2],["mango",10]]

for value in list1:
    for var in list2:
        if value[0] == var[0]:
        #Printing output
            print("Fruit: ", value[0])
            print("Bill: ", value[1]*var[1])

Output :

					Fruit:  apple
Bill:  60
Fruit:  mango
Bill:  500

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