92. Problem to create a dictionary from a sublist in given list

In this Python list program, we will take a list of sublists as input and create a dictionary from a sublist in given list with the help of the below-given steps.

Create dictionary from a sublist:

Steps to solve the program
  1. Take a list of sublists as input.
  2. Convert the given list into a dictionary using dict() and assign it to a variable.
  3. Print the variable to see the result.
					#Input list
list1 = [["a", 5], ["b", 8], ["c", 11], ["d", 14], ["e", 23]]

#Converting to dictionary
dictionary = dict(list1)

#Printing output

Output :

					{'a': 5, 'b': 8, 'c': 11, 'd': 14, 'e': 23}

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