find_element and find_elements methods

In Selenium, two commonly used methods to locate elements on a web page are find_element and find_elements. They allow you to interact with HTML elements like buttons, links, text fields, etc. Let’s break them down

find_element Method

The find_element method is used to locate a single web element on the page. It returns the first matching element it finds. If it doesn’t find the element, it will raise a NoSuchElementException.


element = driver.find_element(by, value)
  • by: Locator strategy (e.g., By.ID, By.XPATH, By.NAME, etc.).
  • value: The value that matches the element you want to find (e.g., the element’s ID, name, class, or other attributes).


If you want to find an element by its ID:

element = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'username')

Here, Selenium will locate the element with the ID username and send a text to it.

Common Locator Strategies for find_element:

  • By.ID: Finds an element by its ID attribute.
  • By.NAME: Finds an element by its name attribute.
  • By.CLASS_NAME: Locates elements by the class name.
  • By.XPATH: Locates elements using an XPath expression.
  • By.CSS_SELECTOR: Finds elements using a CSS selector.
  • By.TAG_NAME: Locates elements by their tag name (e.g., h1, input).

find_elements Method

The find_elements method is used to locate multiple elements on a web page. It returns a list of all matching elements. If no elements are found, it returns an empty list (instead of raising an exception).


elements = driver.find_elements(by, value)
  • Similar to find_element, but it returns a list of elements.


To find all elements with a specific class name:

elements = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, 'product')
for element in elements:

In this case, all elements with the class name product will be located, and their text content will be printed.

Key Differences Between find_element and find_elements:

Returns one element (the first match)Returns a list of matching elements
Raises NoSuchElementException if no element is foundReturns an empty list if no elements are found
Best for situations where only one element is expectedIt is ideal when you want to find multiple elements (e.g., list items, products)

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