In this Python oops program, we will create a class to show inheritance in Python with example. This code demonstrates the concept of inheritance
Inheritance in Python
Steps to solve the program
- The Person class has a constructor method __init__ that takes two parameters, name and age. Inside the constructor, the values of name and age are assigned to the instance variables and self.age, respectively. This class also defines a method print_details that prints the name and age of the person.
- The Student class is a subclass of Person, as indicated by (Person) in its class definition. It adds two additional attributes, student_id and grades, which represent the student’s ID and grades, respectively. The class overrides the print_details method inherited from Person and extends it by calling the print_details method of the superclass using super().print_details(), and then printing the student ID.
- An object of the Student class is created with the name “Jade Smith”, age 24, student ID “A12345”, and grades [‘A’, ‘A+’]. The student variable now refers to this object.
- The print_details method is then called on the student object, which executes the overridden print_details method in the Student class. This method first calls the print_details method of the Person class using super().print_details() to print the person’s name and age, and then prints the student ID.
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