Join the two Dataframes using the common column and value

In this python pandas program, we will Join the two Dataframes using the common column and value using the pandas library.

Steps to solve the program
  1. Import pandas library as pd.
  2. Create two dataframes using pd.DataFrame().
  3. We will perform inner join to join the two Dataframes using the common column and value using pd.merge(df1, df2, on=’Id’, how=’inner’).
  4. We will perform an inner join on the id column.
  5. Print the output.
					import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Id':['S1','S2','S3'],
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Id':['S2','S4'],
print('Dataframe 1: \n',df1)
print('Dataframe 2: \n',df2)
new = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='Id', how='inner')
print("Merged data:")

Output :

					Dataframe 1: 
    Id      Name  Marks
0  S1     Ketan     90
1  S2      Yash     87
2  S3  Abhishek     77
Dataframe 2: 
    Id    Name  Marks
0  S2    Yash     70
1  S4  Gaurav     65
Merged data:
   Id Name_x  Marks_x Name_y  Marks_y
0  S2   Yash       87   Yash       70

join the two Dataframes along columns

merge two Dataframes with different columns

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