Check whether a number is a palindrome or not

In this program, we will check whether a number is a palindrome or not.

Steps to solve the program
  1. Take a number as input through the user and create a variable rev and assign its value equal to 0.
  2. Use a while loop to find the reverse of a number.
  3. While num is greater than 0 divide the number by 10 using % to find the remainder.
  4. Multiply the rev by 10 and add the remainder to it.
  5. Now divide the number by 10 using //.
  6. If the reversed number is equal to the input number then it is a palindrome.
					num=n=int(input("Enter a number: "))
rev = 0

while n>0:
    r = n%10
    rev = (rev*10) + r
    n = n//10
print("Reverse number: ",rev)

if num == rev:
    print("It is a palindrome")
    print("It is not a palindrome")

Output :

					Enter a number: 121
Reverse number:  121
It is a palindrome

enter a number and print its reverse

find the frequency of each digit in a given integer

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