Python String Programs, Exercises, Examples

Python string is a sequence of characters, such as “hello”. They can be used to represent text in a programming language. Strings can be created by enclosing a sequence of characters between double quotes, such as “hello”, or by using the str() function.

1). Write a Python program to get a string made of the first and the last 2 chars from a given string. If the string length is less than 2, return instead of the empty string

2). Python string program that takes a list of strings and returns the length of the longest string.

3). Python string program to get a string made of 4 copies of the last two characters of a specified string (length must be at least 2).

4). Python string program to reverse a string if it’s length is a multiple of 4.

5). Python string program to count occurrences of a substring in a string.

6). Python string program to test whether a passed letter is a vowel or consonant.

7). Find the longest and smallest word in the input string.

8). Print most simultaneously repeated characters in the input string.

9). Write a Python program to calculate the length of a string with loop logic.

10). Write a Python program to replace the second occurrence of any char with the special character $.
Input = “Programming”
Output = “Prog$am$in$”

11). Write a python program to get to swap the last character of a given string.
Input = “SqaTool”
Output = “IqaTooS”

12). Write a python program to exchange the first and last character of each word from the given string.
Input = “Its Online Learning”
Output = “stI enlino gearninL”

13). Write a python to count vowels from each word in the given string show as dictionary output.
Input = “We are Learning Python Codding”
output = {“We” : 1, “are” : 2, “Learning” : 3, “Python”:1, “Codding”}

14). Write a python to repeat vowels 3 times and consonants 2 times.
Input = “Sqa Tools Learning”
Ouput = “SSqqaaa TToooooollss LLeeeaaarrnniiinngg”

15). Write a python program to re-arrange the string.
Input = “Cricket Plays Virat”
Output = “Virat Plays Cricket”

16). Write a python program to get all the digits from the given string.
Input = “””
Sinak’s 1112 aim is to 1773 create a new generation of people who
understand 444 that an organization’s 5324 success or failure is
based on 555 leadership excellence and not managerial
Output = [1112, 5324, 1773, 5324, 555]

17). Write a python program to replace the words “Java” with “Python” in the given string.
Input = “JAVA is the Best Programming Language in the Market”
Output = “Python is the Best Programming Language in the Market”

18). Write a Python program to get all the palindrome words from the string.
Input = “Python efe language aakaa hellolleh”
output = [“efe”, “aakaa”, “hellolleh”]

19). Write a Python program to create a string with a given list of words.
Input = [“There”, “are”, “Many”, “Programming”, “Language”]
Output = There are many programming languages.

20). Write a Python program to remove duplicate words from the string.
Input = “John jany sabi row john sabi”
output = “John jany sabi row”

21). Write a Python to remove unwanted characters from the given string.
Input = “Prog^ra*m#ming”
Output = “Programming”

Input = “Py(th)#@&on Pro$*#gram”
Output = “PythonProgram”

22). Write a Python program to find the longest capital letter word from the string.
Input = “Learning PYTHON programming is FUN”
Output = “PYTHON”

23). Write a Python program to get common words from strings.
Input String1 = “Very Good Morning, How are You”
Input String1 = “You are a Good student, keep it up”
Output = “You Good are”

24). Write a Python program to find the smallest and largest word in a given string.
Input = “Learning is a part of life and we strive”
Output = “a”, “Learning”

25). Check whether the given string is a palindrome (similar) or not.
Input= sqatoolssqatools
Output= Given string is not a palindrome

26). Write a program using python to reverse the words in a string.
Input= sqatools python
Output= slootaqs

27). Write a program to calculate the length of a string.
Input= “python”
Output = 6

28). Write a program to calculate the frequency of each character in a string.
Input = “sqatools”
Output = {‘s’:2, ‘q’:1, ‘a’: 1, ‘t’:1,‘o’:2, ‘l’:1, ‘s’:1}

29). Write a program to combine two strings into one.
A = ’abc’
B = ’def’
Output = abcdef

30). Write a program to print characters at even places in a string.
Input = ‘sqatools’
Output = saol

31). Write a program to check if a string has a number or not.
Input = ‘python1’
Output = ‘Given string have a number’

32). Write a python program to count the number of vowels in a string.
Input= ‘I am learning python’
Output= 6

33). Write a python program to count the number of consonants in a string.
Input= ‘sqltools’
Output= 6

34). Write a program to print characters at odd places in a string.
Input = ‘abcdefg’
Output = ‘bdf’

35). Write a program to remove all duplicate characters from a given string in python.
Input = ‘sqatools’
Output = ‘sqatol’

36). Write a program to check if a string has a special character or not
Input = ‘python$$#sqatools’
Output =  ‘Given string has special characters

37). Write a program to exchange the first and last letters of the string
Input = We are learning python
Output = ne are learning pythoW

38). Write a program to convert all the characters in a string to Upper Case.
Input = ‘I live in pune’
Output = ‘I LIVE IN PUNE’

39). Write a program to remove a new line from a string using python.
Input = ‘objectorientedprogramming\n’
Output = ‘Objectorientedprogramming’

40). Write a python program to split and join a string
Input =‘Hello world’
Output = [‘Hello’, ‘world’]

41). Write a program to print floating numbers up to 3 decimal places and convert it to string.
Input = 2.14652
Output= 2.146

42). Write a program to convert numeric words to numbers.
Input = ‘five four three two one’
Output = 54321

43). Write a python program to find the location of a word in a string
Input Word = ‘problems’
Input string = ‘ I am solving problems based on strings’
Output = 4

44). Write a program to count occurrences of a word in a string.

Word = ‘food’
Input str = ‘ I want to eat fast food’
Occurrences output= 1

Word = ‘are’
Input str = “We are learning Python, wow are you”
Occurrences output = 2 

45). Write a python program to find the least frequent character in a string.
Input =  ‘abcdabdggfhf’
Output = ‘c’

46). Find the words greater than the given length.
Ex length = 3
Input = ‘We are learning python’
Output – ‘learning python’

47). Write a program to get the first 4 characters of a string.
Input = ‘Sqatools’
Output = ‘sqat’

48). Write a Python program to get a string made of the first 2 and the last 2 chars from a given string.
Input = ‘Sqatools’
Output = ‘Sqls’ 

49). Write a python program to print the mirror image of the string.
Input = ‘Python’
Output = ‘nohtyp 

50). Write a python program to split strings on vowels
Input = ‘qwerty’
Output = ‘qw rty’

51). Write a python program to replace multiple words with certain words.
Input = “I’m learning python at Sqatools”
Replace python with SQA  and sqatools with TOOLS 
Output = “I’m learning SQA at TOOLS “

52). Write a python program to replace different characters in the string at once.
Input = ‘Sqatool python’
Replace a with 1,
Replace t with 2,
Replace o with 3
Output = ‘sq1233l py2h3n”

53). Write a python program to remove empty spaces from a list of strings.
Input = [‘Python’, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘sqatools’]
Output = [‘Python’, ‘sqatools’] 

54).  Write a python program to remove punctuations from a string
Input = ‘Sqatools : is best, for python’
Output = ‘Sqatools is best for python’

55).  Write a python program to find duplicate characters in a string
Input = “hello world”
Output = ‘lo’

56).  Write a python program to check whether the string is a subset of another string or not
Input str1 = “iamlearningpythonatsqatools”
str = ‘pystlmi’
Output = True

57). Write a python program to sort a string
Input = ‘xyabkmp’
Output = ‘abkmpxy’

58). Write a python program to generate a random binary string of a given length.
Input = 8
Output = 10001001

59). Write a python program to check if the substring is present in the string or not
Input string= ‘I live in Pune’
Substring= ‘I live ‘
Output = ‘Yes

60). Write a program to find all substring frequencies in a string.
Input str1 = “abab” 
Output = {‘a’: 2, ‘ab’: 2, ‘aba’: 1,‘abab’: 1, ‘b’: 2, ‘ba’: 1, ‘bab’: 1}  

61). Write a python program to print the index of the character in a string.
Input = ‘Sqatools’
Output = ‘The index of q is 1’

62). Write a program to strip spaces from a string.
Input = ‘    sqaltoolspythonfun     ‘ 
Output = ‘ sqaltoolspythonfun’

63). Write a program to check whether a string contains all letters of the alphabet or not.
Input = ‘abcdgjksoug’
Output = False

64). Write a python program to convert a string into a list of words.
Input = ‘learning python is fun’
Output = [learning, python, is, fun] 

65). Write a python program to swap commas and dots in a string.
Input = sqa,tools.python
Output =,python

66). Write a python program to count and display the vowels in a string
Input = ‘welcome to Sqatools’
Output = 7

67). Write a Python program to split a string on the last occurrence of the delimiter. 
Input = ‘l,e,a,r,n,I,n,g,p,y,t,h,o,n’
Output = [‘l,e,a,r,n,I,n,g,p,y,t,h,o ‘ ,’n’]

68). Write a Python program to find the first repeated word in a given string. 
Input = ‘ab bc ca ab bd’
Output = ‘ab’

69). Write a program to find the second most repeated word in a given string using python.
Input = ‘ab bc ac ab bd ac nk hj ac’
Output = (‘ab’, 2)

70). Write a Python program to remove spaces from a given string.
Input = ‘python at sqatools’
Output = ‘pythonatsqatools’

71). Write a Python program to capitalize the first and last letters of each word of a given string.
Input = ‘this is my first program’
Output = ‘ThiS IS MY FirsT PrograM’

72). Write a Python program to calculate the sum of digits of a given string.
Input = ’12sqatools78′
Output = 18

73). Write a Python program to remove zeros from an IP address. 
Input =
Output =

74). Write a program to find the maximum length of consecutive 0’s in a given binary string using python.
Input = 10001100000111
Output = 5 

75). Write a program to remove all consecutive duplicates of a given string using python.
Input = ‘xxxxyy’
Output = ‘xy’

76). Write a program to create strings from a given string. Create a string that consists of multi-time occurring characters in the said string using python.
Input = “aabbcceffgh”
Output = ‘abcf’

77). Write a Python program to create a string from two given strings combining uncommon characters of the said strings.  

Input string :
s1 = ‘abcdefg’
s2 = ‘xyzabcd’
Output string : ‘efgxyz’

78). Write a Python code to remove all characters except the given character in a string. 
Input = “Sqatools python”
Remove all characters except S
Output = ‘S’

79). Write a program to count all the Uppercase, Lowercase, special character and numeric values in a given string using python.
Input = ‘@SqaTools.lin’
Special characters: 1
Uppercase characters: 2
Lowercase characters: 8

80). Write a Python program to count a number of non-empty substrings of a given string.
Input a string = ‘sqatools12’
Number of substrings = 55

81). Write a program to remove unwanted characters from a given string using python.
Input = ‘sqa****too^^{ls’
Output = ‘Sqatools’

82). Write a program to find the string similarity between two given strings using python.
Str1 = ‘Learning is fun in Sqatools’
Str2 = ‘Sqatools Online Learning Platform’

Output :
Similarity : 0.4

83). Write a program to extract numbers from a given string using python.
Input = ‘python 456 self learning 89’
Output = [456, 89]

84). Write a program to split a given multiline string into a list of lines using python.
Input =”’This string Contains
Output = [‘This string Contains’, ‘Multiple’, ‘Lines’]

85). Write a program to add two strings as they are numbers using python.
Input :
a=’3′, b=’7′
Output  = ’10’

86). Write a program to extract name from a given email address using python.
Input = ‘’
Output = ‘student’

87). Write a  program that counts the number of leap years within the range of years using python. The range of years should be accepted as a string. 

(“1981-2001)  =  Total leap year 5

88). Write a program to insert space before every capital letter appears in a given word using python. 
Input = ‘SqaTools pyThon’
Output = ‘ Sqa Tools py Thon’ 

89). Write a program to uppercase half string using python.
Input = ‘banana’
Output = ‘banANA’

90). Write a program to split and join a string using “-“.
Input = ‘Sqatools is best’
Output = ‘Sqatools-is-best’

91). Write a python program to find permutations of a given string using in built function.
Input  = ‘CDE’
Output = [‘CDE’, ‘CED’ ‘EDC’, ‘ECD’, ‘DCE’, ‘DEC’]

92). Write a program to avoid spaces in string and get the total length
Input = ‘sqatools is best for learning python’
Output = 31

93). Write a program to accept a string that contains only vowels
Input = ‘python’
Output- ‘not accepted’

Input = ‘aaieou’
Output = ‘accepted’

94). Write a program to remove the kth element from the string
Input = ‘sqatools’
Output = ‘sqtools’

95). Write a program to check if a given string is binary or not.
Hint: Binary numbers only contain 0 or 1.

Input = ‘01011100’
Output = yes

Input = ‘sqatools 100’
Output = ‘No’

96). Write a program to add ‘ing’ at the end of the string using python.
Input = ‘xyz’
Output = ‘xyzing’

97). Write a program to add ly at the end of the string if the given string ends with ing.
Input = ‘winning’
Output = ‘winningly’

98). Write a program to reverse words in a string using python.
Input = ‘string problems’
Output = ‘problems string’

99). Write a program to print the index of each character in a string.
Input =  ‘sqatools’
Output :
Index of s is 0
Index of q is 1
Index of a is 2
Index of t is 3
Index of o is 4
Index of o is 5
Index of l is 6
Index of s is 7

100). Write a program to find the first repeated character in a string and its index.
Input = ‘sqatools’
Output = (s,0)

101). Write a program to swap cases of a given string using python.
Input = ‘Learning Python’
Output = ‘lEARNING pYTHON’

102). Write a program to remove repeated characters in a string and replace it with a single letter using python.
Input = ‘aabbccdd’
Output = ‘cabd’

103). Write a program to print a string 3 times using python.
Input = ‘sqatools’
Output = ‘sqatoolssqatoolssqatools’

104). Write a program to print each character on a new line using python.
Input = ‘python’

105). Write a program to get all the email id’s from given string using python.
Input str = “”” We have some employee whos email id’s are randomly distributed we want to get all the email id’s from this given string.”””
Output = [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’ ]

106). Write a program to get a list of all the mobile numbers from the given string using python.
Input str = “”” We have 2233 some employee 8988858683 whos 3455 mobile numbers are randomly distributed 2312245566 we want 453452 to get 4532892234 all the mobile numbers 9999234355  from this given string.”””
Output = [‘8988858683’, ‘2312245566’, ‘4532892234’, ‘9999234355’]

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