Python Variable:
Variables are an important concept in any programming language, including Python. In simple language, a variable is a named location in memory that stores a value. In Python, you can use variables to store any type of data, including numbers, strings, and even complex data structures like lists and dictionaries.
Creating Variables in Python:
To create a variable in Python, you need to give it a name and assign a value to it. Here’s an example:
Name = “ Omkar “
Age = 25
Profession = “Software Engineer “
In the example above, we created three variables: Name, Age, and Profession.
The name variable is a string.
The age variable is an integer.
The Profession variable is also a string.
Python Variable Naming Rules:
When creating variables in Python, there are a few rules that you need to follow:
1. Variable names must start with a letter or underscore (_), followed by any combination of letters, digits, and underscores.
2. Variable names are case-sensitive, which means name and Name are two different variables.
3. A variable name cannot start with a number.
4. A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ ).
Python Variable Types:
Python Variable types:
1. Numbers – Consists of integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers.
2. Strings – Consists of characters in quotes.
3. Booleans – Consists of True or False values.
4. Lists – Consists of ordered sequences of elements.
5. Tuples – Consists of ordered, immutable sequences of elements.
6. Sets – Consists of unordered collections of unique elements.
7. Dictionaries – Consists of unordered collections of key-value pairs.
Checking types of the variable:
First, we will create some Python variable.
Name = “ Omkar “
Age = 25
Height = 5.8 ft
To check the type of the variable use the type() function.
print(type(Name)) #Output: <class ‘str’>
print(type(Age)) #Output: <class ‘int’>
print(type(Height)) #Output: <class ‘float’>
Python variable assignment types:
Value Assignment:
To assign the value to a Python variable use equal sign ( = ).
A = 10
We can also assign the same value to multiple Python variables.
A = B = C = 10
Multiple value assignment:
We can assign different values to different Python variables at the same time. We separate the variables and their values by ‘ , ‘.
a, b, c = 40, 50, 60
Value of variable a is 40 , b is 50 and c is 60.
Python Variable scope:
Scope of Variable:
In Python, the scope of a variable determines where in the code the variable can be accessed and used. The scope of a variable is defined by where the variable is created and assigned a value.
There are two types of Python variable scopes: global scope and local scope.
1. Global Scope: Variables created outside of any function or class have a global scope. This means that they can be accessed and modified from anywhere in the code, including within functions and classes.
number = 100 # global Python variable
def print_number():
print(number) # accessing global variable
def modify_number():
global number # declaring number as global variable
number = 200 # modifying global variable
print_number() # Output: 100
print_number() # Output: 200
In the example above, the variable number is declared outside of any function, so it has a global scope. The function print_number() can access and print the value of the number, and the function modify_number() can modify the value of the number by declaring it as a global variable using the global keyword.
2. Local Scope: Variables created inside a function or class have a local scope. This means that they can only be accessed and modified within that function or class.
def my_function():
number = 100 # local Python variable
print(number) # accessing local variable
my_function() # Output: 100
print(number) # NameError: name ‘number’ is not defined
Basic Mathematical operations using variables:
Creating variables and assigning value to them:
a, b = 10 , 20
Performing operations and printing output:
print(a+b) #Output: 30
print(a-b) #Output: -10
print(a*b) #Output: 200
print(a/b) #Output: 0.5
Variables are an important concept in Python programming language. They allow you to store and manipulate data in your code and are important for writing effective programs. By understanding how to create, name, and use variables, you can write Python code that is easy to read and maintain.