
Trigger Tutorial


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Triggers in MySQL! In this tutorial, we aim to provide you with an in-depth understanding of triggers, their benefits, and practical applications. Additionally, we will walk you through a real-world trigger example, complete with tables and SQL queries, to demonstrate how triggers operate within MySQL.

Understanding Triggers

What exactly is a Trigger?

In the realm of MySQL, a trigger is a pre-defined block of SQL code that is automatically executed in response to specific events occurring within a database. These events typically encompass actions such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and other data manipulation activities on database tables. Triggers serve a multitude of purposes, including the enforcement of data integrity, the automation of data validation, and the execution of actions like logging, auditing, or notifications when particular conditions are met.

Triggers are composed of three primary components:

  1. Event: This signifies the event that triggers the execution of the trigger. It can be a distinct database operation such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.
  2. Condition: While optional, a condition or set of conditions within a trigger determines whether the trigger should execute. If the condition evaluates as true, the trigger is initiated; otherwise, it remains dormant.
  3. Action: The action segment contains SQL code or a sequence of SQL statements that are executed when the trigger is invoked. These statements outline the desired response to the triggering event.

Advantages of Utilizing Triggers

  • Data Integrity: Triggers play a pivotal role in upholding data integrity by automatically enforcing business rules and constraints.
  • Automation of Tasks: They enable the automation of various tasks and actions predicated on data alterations, ultimately reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Logging and Auditing: Triggers are invaluable for maintaining logs of changes, tracking user activity, and auditing database operations.
  • Error Prevention: They serve as a safeguard against invalid or undesirable data modifications, ensuring data consistency.
  • Notifications: Triggers can be configured to send notifications or alerts when specific events or conditions come to fruition, thereby enhancing system monitoring.

Use Cases for Triggers

  • Change Logging: Triggers can be employed to log changes made to critical tables, providing a record of who initiated the changes and when.
  • Constraint Enforcement: In scenarios demanding complex business rules and constraints that standard database constraints cannot address, triggers come to the rescue.
  • Auditing: Implementing an auditing system to meticulously track user actions and alterations made to sensitive data is one of the key roles of triggers.
  • Data Validation: They ensure that data inserted or updated in a table adheres to particular criteria or validation rules.
  • Notifications: Triggers can trigger email notifications or alerts when specific events or conditions transpire.


Consider a scenario where we wish to create a trigger that automatically updates a “last_updated” timestamp column whenever a row in a “products” table undergoes modification.

Sample Table: Products






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CREATE TRIGGER update_last_updated
    SET NEW.last_updated = NOW();


In this example, we craft a trigger named “update_last_updated” that is triggered before any update operation on the “products” table. The trigger is configured to set the “last_updated” column to the current timestamp (`NOW()`) whenever a row experiences an update.

Consequently, when an update transpires within the “products” table, the trigger automatically springs into action, refreshing the “last_updated” column with the current timestamp. This mechanism ensures that the “last_updated” column consistently reflects the most recent update time for each product.

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